Yay! 55 gal for my b day! I have wanted a cichlid tank forever and I feel like a total Noob even though I've kept freshwater for years.
I'm still working on getting the water straight and must finish the decor. Not nearly redy to add the fish. But I do have a vague idea of what I want in the tank. Decor so far is fine gravel a bit larger than coarse sand and lots of rocks mostly granite. I'm planning on keeping Mubuna and compatible species. I know that Mubuna need some salt not sure how much salt to add. also as to hardness I read it falls around 8.2 is this correct?.... I need a new testing kit my old one is well old....any info on water peramiters and water care tips for these fish is apreciated.
Any way on to the fish
2or 3 labidochromis caruleus (yellow labido)
I read that rubber nosed pleco work with this fish and can handle the water conditions required so I plan on getting one and perhaps a snail or two if there are any who can tolerate this water.
I'm also concitering a mubuna of a bluish or dark coloration to start. Not sure of what species is best compatible with the yellow.
Later on I may add two fish with red hues. Any suggestions that would be compatible with the yellow mubuna.
Also yellow labido are primarily vegetarian what sorts of food other than parboiled cucumber and peas will this fish take? and what is the max size of the yellow labido I have read some rather varied reports on size.
I'm still working on getting the water straight and must finish the decor. Not nearly redy to add the fish. But I do have a vague idea of what I want in the tank. Decor so far is fine gravel a bit larger than coarse sand and lots of rocks mostly granite. I'm planning on keeping Mubuna and compatible species. I know that Mubuna need some salt not sure how much salt to add. also as to hardness I read it falls around 8.2 is this correct?.... I need a new testing kit my old one is well old....any info on water peramiters and water care tips for these fish is apreciated.
Any way on to the fish
2or 3 labidochromis caruleus (yellow labido)
I read that rubber nosed pleco work with this fish and can handle the water conditions required so I plan on getting one and perhaps a snail or two if there are any who can tolerate this water.
I'm also concitering a mubuna of a bluish or dark coloration to start. Not sure of what species is best compatible with the yellow.
Later on I may add two fish with red hues. Any suggestions that would be compatible with the yellow mubuna.
Also yellow labido are primarily vegetarian what sorts of food other than parboiled cucumber and peas will this fish take? and what is the max size of the yellow labido I have read some rather varied reports on size.
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