

Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
So I finally decided to buy the first fish I fell in love with, of course the green mandarinfish. He eats brine not out of the water column but if it settles on the rocks, but I wanna make sure he's got plenty of pods to graze on. So maybe a silly question but, how do I know if I have enough pods? I have a refugium with a DSB, chaeto, and caulerpa, and a DSB in the display tank with plenty of LR in both. Its my understanding that most pods are cultivated in the refugium, but that a lot of them get destroyed in the pumps and powerheads. He seems to be picking at the rocks but I can't see what he's getting at or trying to get at. How visible are pods? I don't want to find out the hard way I didn't have enough pods for him. So by explaining my setup do you think I have enough pods? Is there a way to boost the pod population? If so please do tell... Thanks all for your input. Hope you and your tanks are doin well!!

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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I love having mandarins. They are so beautiful. I have an 80 g tank with no refugium and have plenty of pods. What i have done is plased some of my rocks in the back so that it creates a place that my mandarins can't get into. This creates a place where the pods can grow in poulation with out getting eaten. I am kinda new to the whole saltwater hobby ( been in it for about 1 year). Wat is DSB, chaeto, and caulerpa? If they are a type of algea than i know that helps. I have some red algea in my tank right next to my "rock pile" and always see pods going in and out.

During the day i dont see many pods out and about but in the morning right after the light comes on i can see tons of pods running around trying to find the nearest hole to duck into.

Lastly, there is a place in my town that sells pods in a bottle. You might want to check out there website and see if they have a distributer near you. The site is:



Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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Seapods really are absolute crap. Jammerz how big is your tank? and how much LR ect? One mandarin should be fine if there is atleast 80lbs of LR. Otherwise they will dessimate the population over time. Have you actually seen your mandarin eat brine? or did the LFS just tell you that he did? also brine isnt very nutritious. I would try to ween him onto something else if he is indeed eating frozen. also a good thread to read would be Lordroads "The Mandarin Canidate".


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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its a waste of money. Usually about 25$ for a small bottle with nothing really substantial in it. Buying pods can be tough, most LFS wont put the effort in to do it, its best to try to do it on your own. You have alot of LR so you should be ok.


Small Fish
Jul 14, 2005
From my experience the best thing to do if you want some pods is ask the Local Fish Store (LFS) if you can have a piece of filter that has some pods living in there. Put that into your Fuge or Sump or what ever you have to use and there you go instant pods that will grow All for maybe $2-3