Poll: Add More or Buy a New Tank?

Could I add a few more fish, or is it time to add a tank?

  • You can add a few more (please suggest)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • You SHOULD add a few more (please suggest)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Don't add fish -- but work on perfecting the tank (suggestions?)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Leave it be, sounds fine, buy a new tank!

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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You can see in my signature the fish I already own in my 29g tall. They're all thriving, eating well, getting along, and enormously entertaining.

The blue gourami is about 3 inches. The tetras range from 1.5" to a hair over 2" right now. The rams are about 1.5" and just under 2". The corys are all about 1 1.4".

I'm reluctant to add fish, because it feels like it is perfectly balanced and I don't wanna mess with that.

On the other hand, the upper part of the tank seems a little sparse.

Am I fooling myself? ;) Could I add two-three more medium-to-small-sized fish? If so, what?

Or should I leave well enough alone and go for another tank?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hmm...well if you have the time/money/space for another tank DO THAT! :) Hey my 10 is finally not having problems and even though I look at it and it looks a little sparse sometimes, I don't dare touch it! lol

On the other hand if time/money/space is in short supply I think you could add 4-6 more inches of fish, get some fish that occupy that top part of your tank. Although...with the combination of fish you have I can't think of any good additions :)

I guess my vote for now is to leave it and get another tank...

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
I voted for getting a new tank.

If you feel the upper part of your tank is too empty, try adding some hardy floating plants. They look great and will help in bringing your fish to the upper levels.

I put floaters in all my FW tanks. I think fish are less stressed when they have some upper level cover like they would in the wild.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Your tank right now sounds perfect, although I guess you could add another fish or two, afterall you used to have two gouramis. If it were me I would add two dwarf neon rainbowfish, but thats just because I like them =) I was going to suggest an angel, but I dont know how long your tetras would last with that. How about some livebearers? I bet a couple of sword tails would be okay.
I'd hold off on another tank, unless you have an idea for something or you really want to get one. IMO you can fit 2-3 smaller fish in your current tank and it will still look nice. Let us know what you choose =)


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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Thanks, all! Floating plants happens to be something I'm working on, so I'm glad you suggested it -- floating plants and lights! (While I boil a piece of tall malaysia driftwood. . . ) hehe

Angelfish, you are AWFULLY hung up on those dwarf neon rainbowfish, aren't you? ;)

Tell me why?

(FYI -- I have a "weirdo pyschological thing" against livebearers in this tank, as I added three red wag swords and then got ich -- not sure if they are ACTUALLY related, but MENTALLY they are.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
Eastern MA
Spike, do you find that floating plants wind up cutting off a lot of light from the rest of the tank? I'm definitely short on light as it is, right now. On the other hand, I could definitely see my fish being happier with some surface cover like you say.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Hehe, the dwarf neon rainbows are cute, nice size, peaceful and perfect for community tanks. I cant fit any in my tank, but its a need I have! A goal in life! I'm sure you could keep some for me! J/k :D They're nice fish and I just think you might like them.
As for your "weirdo pyschological thing" ... lol! prhelp, do you mean noone told you that if you get red-wag swords they come with ich?! Well skip the live bearers then, we dont want to drive you crazy *twirlysmi
I think I'm outta suggestions, maybe everyone else is right and you should get another tank (you could fill that one with red, terqouise and dwarf neon rainbow fish :D )


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Personaly I would skip the floating plants as you stated your tank is moderately planted and it would deffinately cut down on some of the light that got to your bottom plants.

Hatchet fish are top tank dwellers and I have always found them to look interesting, altho I have heard many on here say the are not very hardy and need a well established tank. ( altho yours is established) Another neato top fish are buterfly fish. Cool as anything to look at, but are said to be somewhat aggressive and eats smaller fish. I have not had experince with either of these, but these are the first two fish I can think of that stay primarily twords the top of the tank.

BTW- by all means if you have the space/time/money go for another tank. You'll find the need for another one sooner or later. ;)

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Spike, do you find that floating plants wind up cutting off a lot of light from the rest of the tank?
Yes they can. Do you have live plants in there now? I arrange my floaters so they wrap around the edges of the tank allowing most of my light to penetrate through the middle. I am lucky enough that my tank current keeps them there. How much light that gets through will also depend on the type of plant. The best way to find out is to try some and see how they work in your tank.

Last edited:


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
prhelp - if yous eriously want some floating plants, give me a pm/ Whatever i have is taking over my tanks and driving my absolually batty! would love to find a home for it.. Pay shipping, and its yours!


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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This is terrifically helpful! You guys always inspire me:

Angelfish: If I get the dwarf neons, I'll be sure to let you know -- you can even NAME them, and I'll give you hourly updates. ;) Regarding the ich/swordtails: it's weird, I know. Plus, i know they like a little salt, and corys don't, so oh well. Now, I'm looking for a NEW package deal, like, um, platies that come with velvet included, etc.

Orion/Spike: Both points well taken. I've been thinking about getting java moss growing on a custom-built "screen" of plastic coated wire mesh, which would attach near the top of the tank via clear suction cups, only around 1/3 or so of the entire tank edge.

When you think about that, you could literally build "steps" -- a series of overlapping overhangs that provide lots of hiding spots, greenery, and some penetration of light.

And that's the other thing. I'm working on doubling my wattage and am currently soaking a tall piece of Malaysia driftwood (hiding spots with less need for light). ;)

Thank you all again! :) Me, the girl, and the fish appreciate it!


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
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Spike! Man! That lights link you picked was GREAT! I think you've solved my problem on lighting this tall sonavagun. :) Thank you. I haven't been able to find anything good anywhere, and my dome light project hasn't work out yet. Awesome!

Regarding "levels -- with pillows." I reread this just now. Hysterical.

Catfish, thanks for the tips -- as always, they make me remember the big picture.

Angelfish, why are you being so hateful about hatchetfish? Did you have an "early childhood incident" with them or something? You are so mean for saying that. :)

If your going to go with hatchets, I'd use marbles. Whenever I see silvers they are always down in the plants (I don't know how that works). I haven't actually kept any hatchets but from what I have read and seen, if you keep everything relatively stable, they'll do fine. I figure you wouldn't have a problem with 'em pr. =)

If your going to set up another tank and need surface stuff, look at celebese halfbeaks, they're friggin awesome. Just don't have anything platy-sized in the tank that you're all that attatched to. I've been trying to get ahold of some for quite some time.

The mesh ideas sounds really cool. I want to see pictures.