Pondering 29gal Marine Tank - Tips?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi all!

I am looking into setting up a marine tank for the first time. I have a pretty good grasp of tropical fish care, and I have been reading a lot about marine tanks.

I am aware marine systems can be quite costly.. what I need to know is if I can make one fairly economically out of my 29 gallon tank.

My 29 is about 32" x 14" x 16". I have glass tops and about 30w of lighting I can upgrade pretty easily. I also have two 202 power heads, a 150w quality heater, and a smaller air-pump system.

What I am after is a mini-reef tank, with live rock and only 2 to 3 smaller fish, like clowns or damsels.

I imagine I will still need the following:

a) Protein skimmer, but what type and size I don't know yet.

b) Live rock, how may lbs should I budget for?

c) I was thinking sand for a substrate.

I am patient, and I can wait for sales and I will research more before I start.

However, given what I have listed above, any suggestions as to what steps I can start taking and where I should look for good advice?

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I assume you haven't read all the stuff I stickied when I setup my 30?
1.How much do you want to spend? How much noise can you tolerate, how much maintenance are you prepared to do?
2. Where from? Prime fiji 30 lbs, aquacultured 45
3. Yes

Read, read, read. What have you read so far?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi Wayne, the book is upstairs, but I wil post it later. Mostly reading a lot of saltwater forum threads.

1.a Spending is not an issue, as long as I can do it over time and not all at once. Noise is not a huge issue, this tank will be in my recreation room (theater room) so it will not be a problem if it bubbles or has a lot of airpump noise. I have 4 tanks surround me in my office already, so I am pretty used to it.

2.a I have not decided where I will get my live rock source.

I will look at your sticky and see what you did. I am mostly concerned about setting up this tank properly in stages, spending over a period of months at a time, instead of all at once.

I imagine the live-rock will be the most expensive initial investment.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well at the end of the day big expenses are
tank/heater/circulation pumps(s)
live rock
And 2 of those aren't strictly essential


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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mandarins can be tricky, they need an established reef system other wise they can starve of three or four months and die, which is no fun for anyone, i have seen them be fed with a turkey baster, the're lazy so you gotta put it right in fornt of them, other wise no good, at the lfs ask them to feed it for you, so you can see that it will take what ever(usually enriched brine shrimp). plus it shows they are healthy an dnot already starving to death at the lfs


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Thanks so far.

I have been looking into this a little more. Big Als, a local store that has a fair amount of marine tank experience has a 29 gallon mini-reef tank using an eclipse canopy filter and a lighting mod kit, no skimmers.

It seems lighting will be the most expensive for my size, around $300 or more if I purchase the lighting from them as mod kits. I imagine there are ways to price it down by doing it myself (glass tops).

The only live rock I found so far in my area is Jakarta (sp?). Big Als sells it for $10/lb CAN, so I am going to look around for some online stores for options - depending on shipping costs.

So, to start off, just getting the live rock and tank cycled, any tips?