

New Fish
May 25, 2005
Hi right now I have just basic ten gallon tanks in my house.

I've always heard of people having ponds outside and putting fish in them.

I was wondering how you set up a pond, and equipment you need for keeping fish in them?

Thank You!!


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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wow! ponds are great, but you need to do a lot of planning, like sun exposure (algae growth), filtration, electrical access, aeration or water circulation, and depth are some of the important ones. You didn't post your area, but if you have cold or freezing winters you need them to be a minimum of 3 feet deep, that is where the fish will stay during the winter. An underground or under gravel pipe is good as well, for them to hide out in, winterize through etc. Filter systems are easy enough, most garden centers, Loews, Home Depot, etc have them as well. Just need to measure how many gallons you have in the pond to figure out what size you need. Placing wire net or mesh over the intake isn't a bad idea and leace it easily accessible for cleaning. Of course placement is important, you don't want leaves falling into it too much (huge cleanup involved) and the more sun the more algae. But you do need some sun of course. I know someone that controls the algae growth with dye she gets from the community coop. It doesn't bother her fish or her dog (huge pond...small lake?)

There are planning on going with the prefab ones you buy in the store, or getting the fabric and digging out your own area, or do you have hardpan to dig down to and don't plan on using any lining material? (popular method in my clay area)
Hope that you get your up and running, they sure are great accessories to any outdoor scaping. What type of fish are you thinking of going with?