I bought some Bleeding heart tetras at my LFS which happens to be "That Fish Place" if you know of it. Normally its a fantastic store with great service and knowledge (people come from different states to shop here). Anyway, I got home to put them into my tank and now (about 3 hours later) I noticed one of my Bleeding Hearts seems to lack a bottom jaw, at least what it appears to be. When i was at the store all the fish seemed healthy, but i guess during handling some how this poor little guy lost his jaw. Now i know typically you dont feed fish you just bought, but i put food into the tank for my other fish that were present. This guy tried to eat some but it looks like he is having a very hard time eating. He saw some food on my rootwood in the tank but couldnt pick it up either.
What do i do? I doubt there is anything i can do to help him at all, but i dont want him to suffer!
What do i do? I doubt there is anything i can do to help him at all, but i dont want him to suffer!