poor little serpae

Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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One of my serpae tetras just died:( . She had been breeding that day and I decided to look at her that night as she seemed a bit lethagic - eek! Coming out of her right gill was a very fluffy looking white substance. I rushed her to my LFS who told be to get her in a net head up tail down and dab on some malkon with a cotten bud and then treat the tank. Unforuntaly about 2 minutes after treating her she died:( :( :(

Does anyone have any idea what was wrong with her? I was wondering if she got bitten by the male and got a fungus infection but it happened very fast as the day before she was perfectly fine


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
I had this happen to 3 of my tetra recently. most people have said that it was Mouth Fungus, but I was never able to treat it at all. even my bloodfin, who was the least affected, ended up dieing.

I tried Marycin (sp?) and the Tank Buddies treatment for Mouth Fungus......