Poor Walmart Betta did not stand a chance


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
My local Walmart is one of the few stores that actually keep the betta males in with community fish and not cups.

The lady who runs the department does the best she can with the stock they get and cudos to her.


When I picked-up my goldfish this morning, I saw what looked kinda like a betta strugleling at the bottom of a tank.

I took a close look at this poor creature, it had no top, bottom or back fins, and the scales on the back half of his body where completely stripped.

Some yahoo put a male betta in a tank full of Angel fish!!!! Stupid stupid stupid! :mad:

They tore him to pieces. I told the clerk to put him in a smaller bowl with less water so he could reach the surface to breathe. I stood there till she did it. It was horrible to see, he could barely swim.

I felt horrible all day, and went back to the store a few hours ago to offer to take him and try to nurse him back to health with my space 1/2 gallon tank.

He was dead when I got there.

No matter how good a chain store manager can be about their fish, all it takes is one staff member that does not know any better and a fish has to suffer a horrible slow death.



Small Fish
Jul 22, 2003
Raleigh, NC
I know how you feel. I have two rescue female bettas from two different Walmart locations that were in horrible conditions, in cups that probably hadn't been changed in two weeks. I could have sworn that they were going to die, but little Man-Eater and Hope (fully she'll live more than a week) are beautiful and doing well.

But yeah, that sucks that someone was stupid enough to do that to a betta. I had a customer come in today and say that he stuck a betta in with a small oscar and was shocked that the oscar ate him. (Come on now, do you really think that the poor betta would have been able to defend himself against that monster?) I work at PetsMart too in their Aquatics department and have to go through this every day - glad to hear you're joining the team ^, the company needs more people like us (Sane, responsible fish people). Oh, what location btw?