poorly fish I need help!!


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
I think my fish has whirling disease, or maybe swim bladder I'm not sure??

I have a silver molly, she has a black patch on top of her head, she spins round an round, and thats the only way she can get around the tank.

She has got worse with the spinning, she folds more in half than she has before, she's not really eating, and sits on the bottom of the tank till she sees me looking then she spins round. I have her in a tank on her own, I moved her as soon as i noticed the black patch on her head.

I have looked on internet and people have had their fish do the same, but they have said it is sometimes linked with live tubiflex worms, but i dont have live ones they are freeze dried, would this still cause whirling diesease??

can I cure swim bladder or whirling disease?? what would be my best option, and what do you think she has??


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
Thanks for your help, she wouldn't eat the pea, and she died yesturday morning, I think she knew I had made my mind up, if she was no better when I got up I was going to humanely put her to sleep for ever, as she stopped eating and couldnt swim straight and was upsidedown or on her nose.

Dont judge me by my choice, i didnt wanna see her suffer anymore.

She didn't have a name..
29th January 2010.