One of my dwarf gouramis has pop eye on one of his eyes. I have been doing partial water changes every week and last week did a 50% water change. I just noticed his eye. He does not show signs of anything else like dropsy or ich. I am thinking that because he does not show signs of any other problem that it could be due to an injury. I did research for how to treat it but would like to get input from you all. I do not have a hospital tank. I have been wanting to get one set up but have not had much money lately. So the treatment will be on the whole tank. It is a ten gallon. The fish in the tank will not be too expensive to replace if needed. I believe that my dwarf gourami was the most expensive. I know that there are medications for treating bacterial problems. I found out on the internet that I want to look for Maracyn-Two or Kanamycin. I will be going to PetCo tomorrow to buy the treatment. I would welcome any tips or suggestions. Thanks.