PoP eye


Large Fish
Mar 25, 2004
Traverse City, MI USA
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I have a Rosy barb with 1 eye that is poping out. He is eating and still very active. I have been reading other post about salt in the tank and raising the temp. Will the salt hurt the plants that I have (sea of green). Other post say it could be a parasite other say bacteria? Now what these will be different treatments?:confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Yeah - I had this with an Mbuna recently - both eyes - no warning.

From the reading up I did on how to treat it, I found it can be caused by stress, parasites, gas pressure in the water, bacteria etc etc etc - the list just went on and on. Having decided there was nothing I could do about most of these, I put an anti-bacterial dose in rather than do nothing and risk loosing the fish.

The fish recovered quickly - but I'll never know what caused it or cured it.

All I can suggest is that you try what I did as it's more likely to help than harm.

Give the salt a miss if you have a lot of plants, and I don't think salt will help on this occassion anyway.

Good luck with your fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Some say yes - some say no. The bacterial infection is internal with popeye - so you could probably get away with a Q tank treatment for a single fish - but no guarantees. If the fish is showing signs of "leakage" around the eye then treat the main tank. Trouble is - how do you tell........

This first time round I'd Q tank the affected fish, but at the first sign of any more trouble in the main tank, hit the lot.