Pop eye


Small Fish
Oct 26, 2002
Vancouver, Canada
I have a platy that's just developed pop eye (it's in a community tank with swordtails, catfish and neon tetras) - as I don't have a hospital tank, I was wondering if I should start medicating the tank or should I wait and see if it disappears on its own? Appreciate any advice as I hate to medicate the entire tank because of one fish; on the other hand, I don't want to lose her....:(


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2002
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well... I'm a fan of treating something like that only if the price tag isn't to high for the fish being treated. You have a cheap fish. I do understand the attachment however, and since you have a small tank... go for it... treat the tank... won't cost too much... and if there's no sucess then little is lost. If you have a larger tank though then I wouldn't treat the fish... I would probably put it out its misery.