popeye question


Large Fish
Aug 7, 2003
I think my new Betta has popeye. One of his eyes is protruding out. Are there any other ways to tell if a fish has popeye. And what can I do to cure him of it. I have an antibiotic called BettaFix will that help? Would it do any harm if I put some in the tank even if my Betta didn't have any thing wrong with it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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GENERAL INFO: If you always keep your betta’s water very clean, he will probably never get Popeye. Popeye is a bacterial infection caused by poor water condition (in other words filthy water because you were too darn lazy to get off the couch and attend to your betta!!!). On occasion, it happens to conscientious breeders, too :))..

SYMPTOMS: One or both of Mr. Betta’s eyes start bulging out. In about 2 to 7 days the eye might look so grotesque you will be afraid to look at your betta. Casimodo on a bad day will look more attractive then your betta at that point!! Please do not destroy your betta! Bettas often have full recovery from it and look normal again, as if nothing had happened. During outbreak, betta may be less active, may stop eating.

TREATMENT: popeye is not fatal and often betta will fully recover. On occasion he may lose an eye. But if you catch it right away, he should be fine. Immediately do a full water change. Keep his water very clean, changing it every third day. After putting him in clean water, add the antibiotic Ampicilex (Aquatronics) to his water. This medication comes in capsules. A full capsule treats 10 gal of water. So for a 1/2 gallon of water, open the capsule and take the right proportion of powder and sprinkle on jar water. You may steer gently with a disposable plastic spoon. This is a white powder and will not affect the color of the water. Do not overmedicate! Once Betta’s eyes are back to normal, stop the medication. And keep his water clean from now on darn it!!

Source: http://www.bettatalk.com/betta_diseases.htm

Aug 10, 2003
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I had this awesome red betta once and he got popeye. So i took him to the pet store and they treated him for me. A couple days later i went there to check on him and he was gone. The owner thought it might have jumped out. It turns out that one of the employees had sold the fish earlier that day and did not notice the large sign on the tank that said HOSPITAL TANK.:(

Aug 10, 2003
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I had no mony at the time and no extra tank to treat him in. Plus this is a small city so they are the only pet store we have. Its a familly business. They are nice people and we could trust them except for that one employee.:mad:

Aug 10, 2003
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Oh yeah they tracked the person down who had bought my fish and asked them to return it because it was sick, but the people was like no it looks fine and my daughter is attached to it too much. How the hell do you get attached to a fish in 30 minutes?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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That would really piss me off. I understand why you did it, but thats the issue with petstores, most employees are good, but there is always one person who can mess things up!

I would ask for more than just store credit, like first dibs on the next batch of bettas. That was a MAJOR screw-up!

Aug 10, 2003
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now im getting a giant tank anywhere in the range of 77-200 Gallon as a community and a medium sized 33 gallon for baby fish. Ill also have a 10 gallon hospital tank so ill be prepared for the worst. Im starting over. New supplies and everything. New Nets, New test kits, New water treatments, etc.