Population change?

I'm thinking about a population change in my tank. I've always wanted Angels, but when I was starting up, there were none available in the LFS, so I made other choices. Now I've found a store that breeds them, and I have to get some.

Here's what I have now:
33-gal long aquarium. 3' long X 16" deep X 14" back
Freshwater, pH stable at 7, ammonia and nitrites stable near zero, Nitrates between 0 and 5 PPM.

5 Glowlight Tetras (always ragged, they could go)
4 Black-Skirted Tetras (wife's favorite)
4 Serpae Tetras (wife's other favorite)
3 Tiger Barbs (always play rough, they could go)
2 Kribensis Cichlids (1M, 1F)
2 SAE's (vital for algea control)
1 common Pl*co named Waldo

Here's what I'm thinking of changing the population to:
4 Black-Skirted Tetras (wife's favorite)
4 Serpae Tetras (wife's other favorite)
2 Kribensis Cichlids (1M, 1F)
2 SAE's (vital for algea control)
1 common Pl*co named Waldo
NEW 2 Angelfish
NEW harlequin rasboras (maybe)

My main concern is between the angels and the kribs. The male krib has been a good community fish so far, and I've never seen him take a run at any of the fish, except the TB's, he hates the TB's. Angels can be aggressive, but I'm wondering of angels and kribs would bother each other other than making a pecking order.



Large Fish
Jun 7, 2003
Phila. Burbs
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The depth of your tank is my only concern but it would'nt matter until the angels grew out to thier adult size( i've had them 7"- 8" ) I don't think there is much danger with agression between the angels & the kribs even when they are breeding because they occupy different water levels, go for it.....Rich