possible 55gal stocking

Dec 11, 2004
Pompano Beach, FL
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i would like to have these fish in my 55 gal tank tell me what you think, please

4 silver dollars
1 needlenose gar
1 green sevrum
1 leopard gourami
3 julli corys
1 bristlenose pleco

and i was hoping maybe 1 angelfish, or would that be pushing it, please help anyone



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I dont think its generally a good idea to put cichlids with community fish, you might want to rethink the Severum even though it is a cool fish.

I dont know much about gars, but I thought they got pretty big?

Just googling the Leopard Gourami (spotted climbing perch?) it doesn't look like it gets too big, but lives near the bottom level so you'll need to make sure not to overstock the bottom. 3 cories would be minimum...I think I'd get a few more.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Hi there, I have a Needlenose Gar, he's pretty cool. He's about 6-7", 8" at the most. He eates pearch and walleye(small-medium), that I use for feeders. I know he'd eat anything that could fit in his mouth. And believe me, his mouth is bigger, much bigger then it looks. He's not aggressive at all though. He stays at the top of my tank. As a matter of fact, I just put him in my 120gal. with my Aro. Kinda nervous about that, but so far so good. As long as my Aro is fed, I don't think he even cares about him.
But just remember that the Gar can eat something that is thicker then his own body. (pretty cool to see him eat.)
IMO, I wouldn't put him in a community tank, but that's just me. Plus I like more aggressive, big fish.
Good luck to ya...


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2005
Ankeny, Iowa
A Needlenose Gar may not be a very good idea but there are lots of similar species. There are several types of halfbeaks and pencilfish which you might consider. Some are even livebearers which might be kinda cool.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I also think a 12 inch fish is too big for a 55...especially as others have pointed out...a 55 community tank. 12 inches in aquariums IS big. A 55 is only 13 inches deep...barely enough room for him to turn around!

I say if you're going for a community tank, leave the severum and the gar out of your plan. Go with a group of cories and 3 angelfish, your gourami and the silver dollars....although with those three medium sized fish all occupying the same levels of the tank, I'm not sure. I might skip the angelfish or the silver dollars and go with a school of some kind of littler fish or something.


Medium Fish
Apr 11, 2005
fishtankmaster5 said:
thats great and all, :eek: but can someone help with a NEEDLENOSE GAR, they only get to be 12 inchs, tops, all of you are thinking of alligator gars and long nose gars, but the alligator gar can get to be 8 ft, so can someone help me with NEEDLENOSE GARS

I know what you're talking about and what I'm thinking about. they gest 12 inches long and that size fish shouldn't be kept in a 55 gallon tank.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
In that stocking plan yes i think its a bad idea. A needle nose in a 55gal for a short while shouldn't be a problem.

The severums and the silver dollars should work out, although both will get pretty large and you might have to move some of them after a while. But i see no reason a full grown severum can't live with a gar, the gar can't swallow it. The silvers have a habbit of "playing" with other fish, their playing seems fine to them but may be a little rough so i'd watch that. Other than that, if you are indeed getting a 120gal then i don't see much reason you can't grow some fish out for it.

My gars just hit the kribs as soon as they touched the water. If one got away it better not move cause those gars were hunting. It was one of the coolest bits of nature i've seen. I just wouldn't want my cories biting the dust, possibly even the gourami.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
I can absolutely recommend halfbeaks. I had a pair of pygmy halfbeaks in my community tank and they were great. Unfortunately the female died in a plague of ich, and without her the male has gotten quite nippy with other surface swimmers. He's a naughty fish. Since he's so small (inch and a half, if that) he doesn't really bother anyone.

Nov 8, 2004
boston, mass
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hey guys um actually needle nose gars are not acctually a gar they are a pike sold as a gar. They are extremely slow growers. I mean i feed mine 2 feeders every other day and he has barley grown 2 inches. you could proable throw him in with 2 silver dollars with one of him(they like ot be in groups) or u can get a group of like 2 of them and teh severon. i mean i know that can work for a while they do not grow fast at all and just to say it they are not a gar but actually a pike charicon.