possible fish injury or maybe fungus?


Small Fish
Apr 15, 2010
One of my young orange swordtails has a white patch just behind the eye.last night i added some zuchini to the tank for my otos but the swords decided that they wanted it for themselves.the large female in the tank closely guarded her piece and would attack and chase of any of the others who tried to feed off it.so i decided to add two more pieces scattered around so everyone who get some but she would swim back and forth to each of them.the spot looks kinda like a scar i tried to take photos of the fish to post but couldnt get a decent picture.any ideas to what i should do i dont have my other tank set up yet so i cant put her in it.if it is a fungus should i take her out and put her to rest so it doesnt spread to the other?which none of any of the fish has this on them and it wasn't there yesterday.

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