Possible For A "U" Shaped Tank?


Small Fish
Nov 13, 2008
I'd like to get a LARGE tank in the future and have already chosen 2 possible locations for it.

1) In the wall between our living room and office. It would be a double sided tank and there's even a large closet in the office to hold the equipment.

The only problem with this option is I don't know what kind of wall is between the rooms now. I'm hoping it's not load bearing but would hire an engineer beforehand.

2) If it's possible, a U shaped tank that goes in the living room mentioned above. Do they even MAKE a U shaped tank? I wasn't thinking a curved U, but rather straight angles all around. I would also be using that office closet for the equipment as well since all i would need to do is run some piping through the wall

Is that possible?


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
a tank like that would very likely need to be custom made- get the glass cut and then seal it yourself. Other than that I am not sure of the logistics behind it. I would think filtration and water flow would be tricky.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sure, if you can dream it, it's possible ;). The only question is "how much do you want to spend?"

You'd be looking at a custom tank/stand/hood/lighting/filters/water movement but I see no reason you couldn't do what your talking about (shrug).

With a set up like that probably the easiest to do would be a fast river biotope. Basically turn the "U" into a raceway with the return on one "tip" and the drain on the other. Depending on how big the tank would be, the pump could get a wee bit pricey though.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You can basically have almost any shape tank made from acrylic, if you're willing to pay for it.

An in-wall tank would probably be fine, after you've had a consultation on the structural possibility. You do have to make sure you plan it well, so that you have good access to it for cleaning, feeding and maintenance.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
For the most part, cost of material to manufacture the tank. I hepled set up an Oceanic 540 gal a few years back... the bottom was made up of 5 sandwiched panes. 3 layers x 3/4" glass and 2 layers of 1/4" acrylic. The top was supported with 2layers of 3/4" glass that were siliconed on in strips. I might be wrong but I think the sides, front and back were 1" glass. Took 10 warehouse guys to lift it 4", carry it off the truck and into a walk out basement.

All said and done, if you work out $/gal for JUST the tank, most larger tanks in my area are actually cheaper until you get into custom stuff. By far DIY is the cheapest but 90% of the people I know that could afford 1" glass can also afford (and recognize the saving in time) buying a pre-built tank.

Last time I checked (which was admittedly a few years ago) this was the glass prices in my area.

1/4" = $14/sq ft
3/8" = $19/sq ft
1/2" = $24/sq ft.

Looking at those #'s, I figure my next DIY tank will be a welded metal box (steel or aluminium) with a glass front. Just have to decide what to seal it with. Then again... I also work a 100 ton Hydraulic Brake Press lol ;).
