Internal Parasites: Prevention and Treatment
Author: Amy J, AKA Myaj
Internal parasites are something we usually don’t think much about, but thinking about them can save your fish, increase their growth rate and improve their overall health.
Generally, most fish carry a small load of parasites. However, when the fish is ill or under stress, the parasites can and will reproduce to levels that actually harm their host, causing the fish to lose weight, become more susceptible to illness and eventually stop eating and die.
Where Do Fish Pick Up Internal Parasites?
Many fish in the hobby, especially marine fish and the various puffer species, are wild-caught. In the wild, they are exposed to many parasites, yet seem to survive just fine. Once they are captured, however, things take a turn for the worse. The stress of the capture, being bagged and shipped, probably sorted and shipped again, then unpackaged and dropped into display tanks at stores is more than enough to lower the immune system of even the strongest fish, making them more susceptible to the ravages of parasites. And of course, most fish stores have their tanks on a centralized filtration system, which passes along every germ - bacterial and parasitic - to every fish in their tanks. This means that even if the fish was never exposed to any parasite before their arrival at the store, once they are in the tank and on display, they will have been exposed to quite a few nasties.
When you bring home a newly purchased fish, you should always quarantine it, or you risk exposing your current livestock to all those nasty parasites and diseases the fish picked up at the store. For those new to quarantine, this article provides a useful overview. Treating a few fish in a quarantine tank is much easier, safer and more cost effective than trying to treat your entire display. So, quarantine time is the perfect time to treat for internal parasites, to prevent infecting your entire display.
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