Possible tumor or just blocking??


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hey fishy friends, it has been quite a while, but I come to you in a time of, what I feel is, great need...

All has been wonderful with my betta, of over a year now :D , Flounder. He has been extrememly active, he recovered beautifully from his bout with flukes, and all has been wonderful until a few days ago *SICK* ... when I noticed that he appeared to be a little bloated...first thought was to get a pea down him, unfortunately, I didnt have any on hand, and I havent been able to get out to the store yet...(plan to today). But, I have been rationing his food intake for the time being, to see if that would reduce his apparent bloating..but, so far, it only appears to have worsened.

I am concerned that this might be a tumor. It appears to be more "swollen"/"bloated" on his right side. It is also sort of semi-transparent....I can see two dark masses (I'm assuming are his gut structures) when looking at him from the right, but they are not nearly as visible when viewing him on the left.

I read somewhere that a woman "anesthetized" her betta with clove oil and then lansed the tumor/growth, followed by treating the tank with antibiotitcs to prevent "wound" infections...and after this prcoeedure her betta was in tip-top shape... I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these sort of things or if anyone has heard of the lancing treatment option...

I'll try to get a picture posted sometime today. Thanks in advance! I'm glad to be back in the tank, I just wish I was on more pleasant terms :(


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hey guys, I'm so at a loss....Flounder is still swimmin, but I'm almost certain he has a tumor growth in his abdomen - after a few days of pea treatment did nothing....any suggestions?? As I mentioned above, has anyone heard anything about lansing (sp.?) these suckers, using clove oil as an anesthetic..??

Please let me know if you have ANY ideas...thanks friends!!