ok a friend of mine is selling his 55 gallon. he has lost interest in the hobby and i am seriously considering buying it from him. it's a full setup including quad t5ho lighting. so good to go for plants. in fact i gave him alot of my cuttings. now here is the thing. i do not have the room for another tank so i am thinking of taking down one of my 30 gallons and my 20 gallon planted tank. thinking about getting rid of my brichardi or at least the majority of them in one 30 gallon and selling that tank and moving my 30 gallon with the sunfish over to there. then getting rid of my 20 all together will make room for the 55 if i move the desk my 30 gallon is sitting on now. it's a bit of work but i'm realy wondering if it would all be worth it. he only wants 200 bucks for the whole setup. i told him i would give him an answer by saturday. what do u all think i should do. keep in mind i plan to make the 55 a dirted planted community tank. and also if u say yes what kinda fish would u all recomend? i already have guppies and loaches going into the tank if i get it.