Hello guys:
Seems like I'm having a situation here... One of my two Blood Parrot Cichlid may be sick *SICK* . This morning, I went out and bought new food for them (Cichlid Floating Pellets) and gave them some. A couple of hours later, one of the fish was just kind of hanging face down in a plant, not moving. The other fish kind of pokes her a bit as if he's trying to get her to move but it doesn't work. She came out for a short swim a while ago but went back to her plant. I've never seen her do that before. I've checked the water (temp, pH etc) and everything is ok. I hope she'll be ok but I have a funny feeling about this.
If this looks like something you heard or seen before, please tell me. I'll keep you posted if anything change.
Seems like I'm having a situation here... One of my two Blood Parrot Cichlid may be sick *SICK* . This morning, I went out and bought new food for them (Cichlid Floating Pellets) and gave them some. A couple of hours later, one of the fish was just kind of hanging face down in a plant, not moving. The other fish kind of pokes her a bit as if he's trying to get her to move but it doesn't work. She came out for a short swim a while ago but went back to her plant. I've never seen her do that before. I've checked the water (temp, pH etc) and everything is ok. I hope she'll be ok but I have a funny feeling about this.
If this looks like something you heard or seen before, please tell me. I'll keep you posted if anything change.