I note you're using potatoes on newly imported plecs clothahump? Which species of plecs? I assume uncooked potatoes - any preference between red or white
I use ordinary raw potatoes not the sweet variety, just cut them in half after washing.
If they show sunken bellies then try it with all species that normally eat vegetable matter.
I will try the sweet ones now you have mentioned it.
I hadn't heard about anyone feeding potato to their fish...but it makes some sense I read it when I was researching an answer for the "Zucchini war" thread...trying to get some article or something that talked about feeding veggies to our fish. Most only mention it briefly...so I'd be interested if anyone has any good articles or websites about the nutrition of veggies as it relates to our fish.
and I never knew that catfish had such a varying range of dietary needs...
I really like that table about the veggies for the loaches...sounds like even though its written for loaches it can pretty much apply for most fish that are veggie eaters.