potential cichlids..

Jul 19, 2007
I have been considering getting a pair of cichlids..

I currently have a 30gal empty tank (36 in long), I have looked into some common cichlids at petstores, I really like the coloring of the male bumblebee cichlid, however they are rather aggressive and would not pair well with other cichlids, right?

I would just like to know what makes your cichlid such a great fish and in your opinions what is the best cichlid you have had...I also wondered which ones had great personality and made fun fish..

Are there any great cichlids sites to recommend me?



Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well, unfortunately, your cichlid options in a 30gal tank are somewhat limited, so you definitely have to be sure to do your research before you buy them. A bumblebee (which is a P. crabro), is a definite no in a tank of that size.

The main thing to keep in mind with cichlids, is that they come from very different regions. The most common four regions are:

Lake Malawi (African)
Lake Tanganyika (African)
South America
Central America

Generally speaking, these four areas should NOT mix. You can get away with mixing some of the Centrals with the Souths, but that's about it.

A good forum to visit is cichlidforum.com. They have an excellent profiles section with thousands of photos. You should go through there to get an idea of what you might like, and then ask around there to develop a good stock list for your tank. Again, be prepared to do a LOT of research before you buy, so I hope you're not in a hurry! ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
The first right move is making your way to cichlids. They all have different behaviors and are all unique in their own ways. This is what really makes me love cichlids. There is so much diversity in cichlids that you just gotta be in awe of it.

Like sinister said, decide what region you'd like first, as the regions should not be mixed and go from there. Cichlids require a bit more hand picking and research on species then average community fish.

Personally i'm a fan of rift lake cichlids (Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi). Malawi holds most of the color, but Tang cichlids make up for it in behavior. There are options from both that could possibly work in the tank you have. I have the exact same tank sitting beside me empty.

Jul 19, 2007
Personally i'm a fan of rift lake cichlids (Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi). Malawi holds most of the color, but Tang cichlids make up for it in behavior. There are options from both that could possibly work in the tank you have. I have the exact same tank sitting beside me empty.
what type of cichlids do you have, how large is your tank?
...i just had to ask, did you ever study at clemson? you look so familiar..lol

not that im in a hurry or anything...while i have a 30gal I have been considering for the longest time to get a 90gal that was 4ft long by 18in wide

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Jul 19, 2007
ohh...ok sorry for my confusion!
do you have any pics?

-is it acceptable to house a german blue and gold pair of these dwarf cichlids (i was thinking of that as a possiblity for my 30gal) and i could do some plants

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Jul 19, 2007
how many dwarf cichlids would be the limit to house in a 30gal? I was thinking of maybe having a pair of the blue and gold rams, Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, and Three-Stripe Dwarf Cichlid....so with each pair that would be 8 total..is that too much?

Jul 19, 2007
would kuli loaches or perhaps some bottom dwelling creatures be ok- i ask bc i am wondering if the males would try to defend their caves or territory

also..and this is just for pure thought, if i got 4 different sp of dwarf cichlids without pairs..could that work...lol..im not trying to be difficult i promise:rolleyes: could that possibly work?