power failure...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
high there...just had a power cut at home...
scared me a little as i'm at work...
thankfully it only lasted just over an hour...

made me wonder...

1. ... how long can a community last without power and remain stress free...
A... with me there to help...
B... with me at work and stressing myself out...

2. ... if i'm not there to do warm water changes...
what size of generator do i need ... :)

Sep 8, 2005
Depends on your environment. If it's winter not too long. We have had several power outages here during the winter. I live outside of Buffalo, New York aka snow belt. I had no power once for almost 18 hours. I wrapped my tanks in blankets and manually stirred the water. We have several wood burning fire places so it helped a little. Anyway...Everyone survived but they were not too happy. I also had no power once a few years back in the summer for over a day and a half. We just changed the water and they were fine. I actually am considering a generator and the aquariums are a factor in this.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
hey pp...thanks for that...
itz winter here...5 centigrade...not too cold...
i hadn't thought about wrapping the tank for insulation...
i've got foam sheets that will be perfect...

i am going to get a second hand 'genny'...just in case...
i'd only need a 2kw i guess...
i saw one for a hundred pounds...might be able to justify that...

we have a gas range at home...
so i could heat water for changes...
as long as i'm not at work...

hope all is well with your 'problem' tank.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
If its just a few hours I usually don't worry about power outages. Ok yes I worry...but there's not a whole lot you can do except like prettypleco said to try and keep the tank's temperature from plummeting. If anything you should try and get some water movement through the filter media because after a few hours the ammonia is going to start to build up in the tank and you want to get some oxygen to those bacteria.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
FroggyFox said:
[snip]... If anything you should try and get some water movement through the filter media because after a few hours the ammonia is going to start to build up in the tank and you want to get some oxygen to those bacteria.
haha...innertesting stuff...gotta keep those bacteria alive...
thanks guy's...i'm learning all the time...

i'm destined to be a noob forever... :)

gonna do a 10% change tonite just to be sure ... :)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
You can also get one of those computer power backups, they work pretty good if you're only running a filter or a pump. You can also get battery powered airpumps at bait and tackle shops that would help do the trick -- if you get one with dual outlets, you can put a wee airstone in the filter and another in the tank. :)

Not as much fun as a nice gennie, tho.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If your heating runs on gas or oil, then you can bump up the house temperature. Battery powered air pumps will help in slightly longer power outages, as Seleya says, and battery backups should keep your tank running for a couple of hours (lights off).