power outage?

so as a HUGE thunderstorm ripped thru my area last night, and I was checking off my mental list of what i needed to do if the power went out, I realized I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO FOR MY FISH!!! ACK Our power is pretty stable, but if we lose it, its a 5-12 hour deal. What do I need to keep my fish alive during an exteneded power outage? How long can I just leave the tanks alone without doing anything? (2gal, 5gal, 29gal)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
This is probably a good topic for us to be thinking about...with summer coming and the extreme temperatures that cause power outages.

To answer your question...a lot depends on the temperature. During the winter you have to be worried about your tanks losing heat. During the summer you should be worried about your tanks losing oxygen. You will also be better off if the bioload in your tank isn't too large...since the levels of ammonia will build up faster when the bioload is heavier.

As long as its not an extended outage (more than a day), you should be ok as long as you have a supply of fresh water to change out some water once in awhile (since the filter isn't running) and something to create surface agitation would be nice...like a battery operated airstone. They do make battery operated filters if you want to make sure that everything is going to be ok.

Something as simple as taking a cup and pouring water through your filter once in awhile works too. (you have to make sure and keep your filter media wet)

I know that I have accidentally unplugged my filters and left the tank for 8 hours or so without filtration...and they will be OK. Be careful of power surges that can fry your equipment, and unplug those filters that you need to prime when the power comes back on...because running them dry can hurt them. (if the power were to come back on while you weren't paying attention to the filter)