powerhead info


Small Fish
Feb 15, 2004
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I have used power heads in the past,and had them connected to a lift tube and undergravel filters.

Question: Do you have to use them in conjuction with a undergravel system?

I've been looking at some Penquin Powerheads and it seems that they have a special strainer built in to keep debris from fouling the impeller.

Also does anybody know anything about a product made by "Marineland" its a reverse flow filter kit, that can be used in conjuction with a Penquin powerhead.

I was also reading about a product put out by AquaClear,called a quick filter.
It fits most AquaClear Powerheads and helps to polish the water after maintance,by turning your power head into a "Quick filter" for rapid removal of partical waste as small as 1 micron. It can be used continuously or periodically.
Anybody had any experience with this?

Thanks in advance.... billfish


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
No, you do not have to use them with a undergravel filter. However many people do use them with undergravel filters, thats why the companies have adapted that kind of model. Most marine aquariums have them just for water movement.

Sam Reef


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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Quick Filters are good for fry tanks, hospital or quarentine tanks. I have used them on several occasions and I think that if you want a quick, cheap, and easy filter, they aren't bad. The filter sleeve clogs pretty quickly, though.

Another "quick and dirty" filter I have used (and actualy prefer) is to take a half-liter plastic water bottle and drill lots of 1/8 inch holes throughout the bottom inch or so. Cut up a small piece of filter foam and shove them to the bottom of the bottle. Fill about half or three-quarters with carbon and then put some more foam on top. Cram a powerhead in the neck and there you have it: a cheap, disposable filter that is great for removing meds.