Powerhead Question


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
I am keeping a 55gal freshwater tank. I currently have 4 cats, a pleco, and 3 goldies in there. I have your normal heater, air stone dohicky, and filter. (although, I'd like to get better filter)

My question is, the people I bought the tank off of, gave me a powerhead with it. I'm not sure of its capacity. Would it be advisable to run the powerhead? Or would this cause to much disruption in the tank?

The goldies are moving back to their own tank, once I get a new filter for it. Theirs crapped out on me. I know goldies dont HAVE to have filtration, but I'm more comfortable using it.

Thanks folks,



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
My question is, the people I bought the tank off of, gave me a powerhead with it. I'm not sure of its capacity. Would it be advisable to run the powerhead? Or would this cause to much disruption in the tank?
The power head will provide more current, which in turn helps keep the waste suspended in the water column until the filters can remove it, if you got it for free, I see know reason not to use it (I use 2 in my Goldie tank)

I know goldies dont HAVE to have filtration, but I'm more comfortable using it.
Actually to provide the best possible conditions, Goldfish should have the best quality filtration that you can provide, they are massive polluters, I run a Penguin 330 & a Magnum 350 Canister, plus both powerheads on my Goldie 55g, and I still do weekly 25% water changes because the Nitrate creep is crazy fast, and my goldies are still fairly small, I can't imagine what the bio-load will be once they achieve full size :eek: .

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