Powers out...


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
We had massive tornados in my area, so power is out all aroundthe state. This is the first power outage I've ever had with my aquarium, so I really don't know what to do. Temperatures are going to be above in the 80s the whole week, so I can awhile the water shouldn't drop below that, right? Should I be concerned about my filters being out for a few days as well or is there enough oxygen in the water?

The worst of the problems is that I'm going to have to be out offown for a week so I can't stir up the water or anything... What should I do?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Not much that you can do except hope that the power is not off for too long. I had the power off for over three days a couple of winters ago. Only had one tank set up and all the fish did well.

Perhaps not feeding while the power is off, at least for a few days. The fish will be fine and you will not be adding any additional load.

after a few days if the power is still off, perhaps a water change if the capacity to do this is available. This will at least stir the water up a bit and get some extra oxygen into the tank.

I suppose one reason the long style tanks are popular is that they have a larger surface to volume ratio. There will be gas exchange at the surface and if you are not stocked too heavy that may be enough to keep the fish going.

There are battery powered pumps, air and circulation type, used by folks in the live wells of their fishing boats. This might be a last ditch way to keep the water aeriated.

That's about it off the top of my head. Good luck. Not sure where you are but it could be anywhere in a very large area this day. I was missed by the real bad stuff, but there were tornadoes and very severe storms all around my area today.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I'm at mississippi state, and all the towns around are being effected by the damage done in nearby tuscaloosa. I have to leave town until may 7th so the worst part is that I won't be here to really do anything with my tank other than hope for the best. The power is already back on one town over so they may be able to get the power back on pretty fast while I'm away, but who knows right now. All I can do is ask whether or not you guys think I should leave my auto feeder on or not. I can try and get some battery pumps for next time, but I'm very caught ff gaurd right now. This is the first time something likethis has happened since I've had my tank.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Sounds like you will be gone for about a week. Perhaps a light feeding now and a water change right before you leave. I have left well nourished fish without feeding for up to a week without a problem. Without lights the fish may be less active which may help. But a week is not unheard of.

The problem with an automatic feeder is that it can take a few days to get them adjusted so as not to dump too much food. This could cause more problems than simply not feeding.

A battery pump powered by a fully charged deep cycle battery could run for days before losing its charge. Those batteries are expensive and you do not have power in order to charge one up. I have seen solar panel setups for boats that are meant to keep the boats batteries partially regharged during the day. Again you do not have the time to make much preparation unless you happen to have this stuff on hand.

If your tank is anywhere near a window, perhaps there will e enough daylight to allow the plants to oxygenate the tank. A potential down side to this idea is a possible build up of temperature.

As far as temperature goes. Can you leave some windows open while you are gone?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Fortinately our power came back on at about 1 am last night despite them telling us it would be out for a few days. I guess I paniced for nothing, but I'll try and be a little more prepared next time.