Does anyone know what kind of prawn this is?? Before you jump in, and say it's a ghost shrimp, let me advise you it is not a ghost shrimp. In fact, he eats ghost shrimp. The large one is a male. The small with the green inside is a female, the green will soon become eggs she carries under her tail. The large Male is aggressive, and so are the little ones. Reason I ask is because they were sold to me as ghost shrimp, but as you can see monstroso is about 2 inches long with his claws extended. I've seen him eat baby snails, and injure guppies, and small fish. I had to move them all to the swamp bucket, because I found 2 dead fish 2 days in a row, and everytime there's a dead fish or something, it's always in the hands of one of these prawns. I'm almost certain they're killing my fish. I took them out and no deaths in my 30GALLON TALL TANK since. Are these asian river prawns, just really young?? You'll notice ghost shrimp have orange bands on their antennas these don't instead they have black stripes on their bodies. O_O
and don't seem to stop growing. also ghost shrimp eggs are clearer when they're carried under the tail. these carry bright green eggs. I've had a lot of ghost shrimp, and know these guys aren't ghost shrimp, but that's what my LFS sold them as. I'm glad I scored a mystery prawn, but they're so mean!!!! They suck a baby snail right out of it's shell, and turn a guppy like corn on the cob. I got them out of the main tank, because I found my favorite betta, a black male plakat named bahamut dead, and they were munching on his body. the day before i found a dead female green balloon molly i had just purchased the day before that, and one of these was munching on the dead fish. everytime i find a dead fish one of these guys is eating it, and I can't tell if they're the ones killing them. but I've seen what they do to guppies, and once they get a grip with all those claws the fish can hardly get away. sometimes it seems like they won't even try. O_O I mean how the heck did this monster shrimp take out my perfectly healthy black plakat betta?? He was the owner of the that tank. SMH. I thought it was a male bluntnose or rose yred doing the killing, but i'm almost sure it's these guys now. (bluntnose, and roseyreds at full size are big, and mean when defending a nest.) any ideas what kind of prawn this is, and what i should do with them?? I was thinking of keeping 2 for the swamp bucket, but i can't release the rest. they're to mean who knows what they'll do to my creek!!(even though it's got crawdad in there.)
Monstroso is the large male sitting on the rock, and doesn't have any green on his body. the female is the one on the right in some of the pictures, and is almost half his size.
and don't seem to stop growing. also ghost shrimp eggs are clearer when they're carried under the tail. these carry bright green eggs. I've had a lot of ghost shrimp, and know these guys aren't ghost shrimp, but that's what my LFS sold them as. I'm glad I scored a mystery prawn, but they're so mean!!!! They suck a baby snail right out of it's shell, and turn a guppy like corn on the cob. I got them out of the main tank, because I found my favorite betta, a black male plakat named bahamut dead, and they were munching on his body. the day before i found a dead female green balloon molly i had just purchased the day before that, and one of these was munching on the dead fish. everytime i find a dead fish one of these guys is eating it, and I can't tell if they're the ones killing them. but I've seen what they do to guppies, and once they get a grip with all those claws the fish can hardly get away. sometimes it seems like they won't even try. O_O I mean how the heck did this monster shrimp take out my perfectly healthy black plakat betta?? He was the owner of the that tank. SMH. I thought it was a male bluntnose or rose yred doing the killing, but i'm almost sure it's these guys now. (bluntnose, and roseyreds at full size are big, and mean when defending a nest.) any ideas what kind of prawn this is, and what i should do with them?? I was thinking of keeping 2 for the swamp bucket, but i can't release the rest. they're to mean who knows what they'll do to my creek!!(even though it's got crawdad in there.)
Monstroso is the large male sitting on the rock, and doesn't have any green on his body. the female is the one on the right in some of the pictures, and is almost half his size.
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