Pregnant fish question


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
I have 2 mollies that look like they are due anytime now. I have heard to watch for the white spot or 'birthing tube' thing. How do I know the difference between that being open, and the fish just needing to poop? One of my girls has the white spot, but she also keeps pooping alot. I'm not sure what to think.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Not much help here, with platies / guppies I've always thought they were a day or two away, and then a week or two later they were still growing... I think they are like watched fishy pots...


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
I finally got some good pics of the possibly pregnant mollies. How long do you think until they have the babies?

These are pics of the bigger molly. (BTW, I was trying to keep them in one place while I took pics, that's why they are in the net). This first one, you can see the roundness from above, even though it's blurry. These pics really don't show how big she looks in real life. Maybe I can get a video. She looks like her skin is stretched over a small marble.
100_6109.jpg 100_6090.jpg 100_6106.jpg

These are pics of the runt molly (She seems to have grown some, almost to the size of the other female!). You can see the white spot, but these pics were taken like 3 days ago.

100_6113.jpg 100_6114.jpg

I'll try to get some more recent pics, soon.

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