Pregnant fish?

Sep 10, 2004
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Last night my tank had a new baby fish. The fish still looks pregnant. If she is stressed, is it possible she cannot birth the other fish? I originally thought one of my glowlight tetras (since they are small) gave birth and had only one baby. Now, when I look at the "rasabora" (?), she is really fat. Is it possible for a fish to only have one fish? Thanks.

PS The one fry is now in a two gallon bowl by himself.

Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for the update. Then that means, the fish are not rasaboras. Hmmm.... I really don't know if there were eggs or not. I don't see any eggs, of course, the other fish could have eaten them. The fish is really fat so it makes me think she is still pregnant (?) I will try to get a picture so you can tell me what kind of fish she is. Appreciate it.