Pregnant or Obese?


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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I have had my ten gallon set up about 2 or 3 weeks now. From limited lack of funds ive been taking it slow. Since my initial 2 guppies death (shock) ive kept a Zebra Danio, Sarpae, And two Mollies, male and female.

Ive kept regular feeding regimens, various times a day in small doses. But my female seems to be getting large in the belly. My other fish are plump (healthy looking) but not so much as the female. She is completely black and I can see little white splotches where her obesity/pregnancy has pushed out her scales. Also just in front of her bottom fin is a slight portrusion. The male constantly hounds her so Ive been thinking about putting one more female molly in the tank so each can have a break from time to time, hehehe.

Well my question, would you think she is overly pregnant or obese or possibly both?