Pregnant Platy


New Fish
Feb 13, 2006
Hi everyone!
I got three Sunsets about a week ago and one was obviously pregnant. By the time I got home, I had an extra fish. A day later another two appeared. two days after that, two more and one more day and you guessed it, one more fish. She is still very pregnant and spent yesterday hovering at the bottom of the tank and not eating. I thought, this is it, she's going to drop the rest. Today she is hovering near the top of the tank and eating like a pig. All the while the male has been at her side, not harrassing her, just hanging out with her. Is this normal? Is she going to absorb the rest? She still has a large black spot so I know there's more fishies in there.

I found a single tiny Harlequin Rasbora in my 55g yesterday and managed to fish him out and put him in my 10 gallon with my three smallest fry. I'm going baby crazy here!



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the tank :D

It's hard to say whether she'll have more in the next day or two. Usually they have a larger batch at one time, then more about a month or six weeks later. Most platies seem to be constantly pregnant if there's a male in the tank :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I agree with what Lotus said, usually Platies have a large batch all at once, and then about a month later, will have another. My female had her three batches almost exactly a month apart each time. The first time there were 13, second time there were about 25, and the third only about 10. So the first time probably won't be as many. She may not drop the rest for another few weeks.

Good luck with all the babies, they're fun to watch grow =)
And then you can end up with a small army of Platy fry! @_@