
Jan 24, 2006
i tryed to log in a whole bunch of times and it didnt let me so i had to change the pass and it finally worked.

ok, my powder blue that i have with my 2 labs looks like its pregnant. can a yellow lab make it pregnant? i temporarily moved my yellow lab to my gourami tank for it can be alone in the tank. i have no clue what to do if it is pregnant. i need some anwsers. and one of the labs died, i think of stress with fighting with my powder blue.


Jan 24, 2006
ok thnx. but can you give me some pointers on what to do. cause i have no clue wat to do with it. shes in there by herself and my yellow lab is in my gourami tank doing fine.


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Different species of mbuna are capable of spawning with each other (they fry will be hybrids).

It's also possible for a female mbuna to release and mouth brood unfertilized eggs (this is sometimes done when males are absent...and would definately be the case if your two labs were females themselves). In the case of unfertilized eggs, they tend to 'go bad' within 3-4 days and are usually eaten.

If you're socolofi/power blue is still holding after that period of time, she'll release hybrid fry within 2-3 weeks.

Hybrids are usually frowned upon in the hobby.