Pretty Pics


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
hey guys, thanks... the tank is really colorful, great to look at. I just hope they all live... i'm plagued with random events so this is my last effort on fish. I've tried everything and I just have fish die at random sometimes. Anyways,
the first fish, I should know... b/c they had a whole tank of them but I forget... the 2nd one i also got from an assorted tank... Id be half tempted to say its an ice blue (zebra) maybe? not sure.

OH I FOUND IT the blue guy is a Kenyi... check the link
Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Kenyi Cichlid

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New Fish
Sep 15, 2006

In case you didnt know,

The third pic is a Pseudotropheus crabro, also known as a Bumble Bee.
Fourth pic looks like a Metriaclima zebra of some sort.
Fifth looks like a Metriaclima estherae (Red).

The pics in the 2nd post I'm not sure about and was hoping Cichlid-Man
could tell me what they are. Especially the 1st one. Judging by the color & pattern,
it looks like a Nimbochromis livingstonii.

I have no clue what the last pic is.

Anyway, although I don't know the quantity and gender of your fish, I think I can
safely say that's a pretty aggressive combination you've got going on there.
Perhaps this is the reason you are having lot's of unexplained deaths? Too much aggression can lead to stress.

What size tank do you have these in?

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Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
In the second post, the first pic is a "Big Lipped.." something (so the sign said at petsmart). The second one I am not sure. They aren't all my fish, I have a yellow lab in there and a red jewel, and a striped rafael too. I have a 40 Gal tank, with a lot of rocks and stuff... my lots I mean check out this link

Fish Tank

I don't "see" the agression when I look at the tank (not to say its not there) I got 2 yellow fish out of an assorted mix, not sure what exactly they were. One night he looked fine, the next morning he was breathing hard and sitting on the bottom of the tank, and that evening he was dead. I had a blue jewel that was sick for a while... I just couldn't get him better. I have a snow white albino in the post "sick fish??" and he got a red spot on the side of him, I am not sure if he is going to get sick or not. And the Big lipped guy, hasn't been eating lately so i don't know.

I've been trying to figure it out for a while, nothing seems to be working...


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Kephren01 said:
...In the second post, the first pic is a "Big Lipped.." something (so the sign said at petsmart). The second one I am not sure....
The fish in the first pic appears to be a Placidochromis milomo (a.k.a. "Super VC-10"). You may want to return this fish since they get fairly large for a 40gal (8"-11")...the bumblebee approaches this size as well (7"-8"). You may want to trade out the kenyi and auratus too, these are highly aggressive species and will probably do best in a 75gal to satisfy the territorial behavior of these fish and space for the other fish to avoid them (this aggression will manifest as the fish mature).

The second fish in the second set is possibly a hybrid of some sort.

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