In the second post, the first pic is a "Big Lipped.." something (so the sign said at petsmart). The second one I am not sure. They aren't all my fish, I have a yellow lab in there and a red jewel, and a striped rafael too. I have a 40 Gal tank, with a lot of rocks and stuff... my lots I mean check out this link
Fish Tank
I don't "see" the agression when I look at the tank (not to say its not there) I got 2 yellow fish out of an assorted mix, not sure what exactly they were. One night he looked fine, the next morning he was breathing hard and sitting on the bottom of the tank, and that evening he was dead. I had a blue jewel that was sick for a while... I just couldn't get him better. I have a snow white albino in the post "sick fish??" and he got a red spot on the side of him, I am not sure if he is going to get sick or not. And the Big lipped guy, hasn't been eating lately so i don't know.
I've been trying to figure it out for a while, nothing seems to be working...