Price for a 75 gallon


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Well I know this is getting redundant but I don't want to overpay for anything, because I did enough of that with the first tank I bought.

I have figured out that I can order all the equipment I need online for half the price so I have that taken care of.

Unfortunately, I can't order, don't want to, tanks online.

Just wanted to know what you guys would consider a good deal to be on a 75 gallon tank with matching stand and canopy. A nice one, I am not looking for something cheap just interested in what you think a nice looking tank should cost.

Thanks in advance


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I got my 75g used (Oceanic) for $100 at the LFS when they were changing their tank set-ups. I'd say $100 is reasonable used, about $200 new is the going rate I think. Since it was already painted black on the sides & back, I decided to go with a black stand. I wanted something a little suave, so I checked out stands at the All-Glass website.

I picked out a stand, the high-gloss black, and asked the LFS owner if he could order it (I gave him the part #). He looked it up, quoted me a price (about $130 I think), and it was on it's way! It looks pretty nice. Unfortunately, I don't think they have a canopy for them in high gloss black, but I think the prices are about $120-140 or so for a hood, and these are the cheaper ones.

I think the majority of the tanks, stands, & canopies are standardized, but I've seen some unusually high prices at PetSmart. They will vary by manufacturer, and they will be substantially higher if made of real wood. Most stands and canopies will interchange with any tank. I think my best advice would be to shop around, get design ideas & prices in mind, the hit up the salesman for a package deal if you wanted to do it that way. You might want to apply a little pressure as well (bring the wife hehe) & try to speak to a manager or owner about it--the higher the $$, the more leeway they have. Not sure about the stores out there, but the LFS people here are kind of dumb. They have no idea about pricing and the value of repeat business. I always talk to the owner when I make larger purchases, and he always hooks me up.

Oh, one more thing I've noticed. I've been in the Dallas North Aquarium a couple of times and their prices are really high on tanks/stands/canopies. If they won't budge on their prices, shop elsewhere. I'm not sure if it's like that at other stores.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
I frequent the Dallas North Aquarium and it is extremely overpriced. They target the yuppies from the north dallas area, no offense, and do a pretty good job at it. I have been shopping around a bunch and found a 75 tank for about 160 bucks which is pretty good, but the problem is finding a stand and canopy I like for a reasonbale price. I am really considering building my own and staining it the way I like. Don't know but thanks a ton for the tips. I will definitely try and hit up the store owner for a better deal.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Heh, I'm no yuppie, so don't worry about offending me. I'm really a cheap person, but will spend money for quality within reason.

When I got my 100g, I was looking to save money. I found a package deal with the tank, pine stand, and the 2 strip lights. It was $300. I asked if they could keep the strip lights and give me a discount! They did. I think the total cost was like $280. I headed out to Home Depot, got some stain & acrylic. Much better now!

A little tip: The pine stands/canopies are kind of "rough" originally. Try using that wood soap/conditioner stuff. It adds a mildly deeper color and a smoother look to the grain. Very cheap, very nice. It also blends well with neutral carpet & furniture. Hey, it is real wood... :D


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Cool. I think that DNA actually has the same deal for a 100 gallon, but I just don't think I want to go that big. I like the look of the 75, unfortunately they seem to be priced very high where ever I go. I have looked at the pine and like the look at all. I was wondering if you could stain those, thanks for saving a future post, lol. I will definitely try the wood conditioner, I know exactly what you are talking about. Yeah I don't mind spending money on equipment either, but there are often ways to save money. I don't what to be cheap, but I don't want to over spend either. I think frugal is the word.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
dss2004 said:
I don't what to be cheap, but I don't want to over spend either. I think frugal is the word.
That's it!

The pine takes a stain very well, almost too well. Pine is a soft wood, so the stain sets deep. Go easy if staining a darker color.

I can get stuff pretty cheap out here. I'm going to be heading out that way pretty soon, so if you want me to try my luck, I can ask around for you. IMO, the 75g tank is really great tank for planted aquarium. I'm very happy with mine. I only keep the 100g for my cichlids. I've had my GT for almost 4 years, and he's a pretty cool fish. My Midas is growing well and showing great potential for a keeper, loaches are really active and growing nicely, while my severums are nice too. DANG THE LUCK! Now I don't want to get rid of the tank...although I do...

On a separate note, can you PM me the good LFS's around there? I'm not impressed by DNA, but I will hit the one on Greenville for the plants. Any others you recommend?


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
Visit site
Since this is a All-Texan Planted tank thread, I'll chime in here with a couple of places worth a visit:

Obviously, The Fish Gallery is head and shoulders above everybody else in town. As far as tanks go, they sometimes have pretty good sales. I picked up some 20 gallon tanks with flo hoods a couple of months back for $15!! Not that I needed any more tanks, but I couldn't pass them up...

Doyle, this is for you (and me... I'll probably burn it up this week!)! This is like an old-fashioned pet store that sells puppies along with reptiles and birds. Their plant selection sucks, but they have pretty decent bait. They often have not-so-common loaches and Apistos in their crowded fish section. Also have been known to sell killer prawns as ghost shrimp.

Boutique Pets (no website that I know of) is over by White Rock Lake. They have a lot of bait, but not a whole lot of plants. They do often have a good selection of Anubias species. It's worth a look if only for their tankbuster display (2'+ red-tail catfish and more!).

Other than those, there are just a lot of the big box stores. The Petco in Richardson (Plano Road & Spring Valley) is probably the best in that genre. The guy who runs the aquatics section pretty much knows what he is doing. I picked up some Bolbitis heudelotti from there a couple of weeks ago (although he didn't know what it was) for under $2.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Turbine I liked the botique pet shop but found that it had some really expensive fish but was nice nontheless.

Have you gone by the new plano pets store? It just moved down the road. It is laid out really well. I like the owner he seems like a really nice guy. Once I upgrade I think I am going to get him to order me a pair of triple reds. I have an orange flash male and cockatoo female right now.

I love the greenville store. The huge planted tank has taken a turn for the worse and I think I know why. The guy who keeps the tanks was telling me that you can go months without water changes on freshwater tanks. I kind of laughed. The tank could be awesome, I just really don't like the plant lay-out. The driftwood is great and how can you go wrong with 240 gallons.

Avalon as far as the plants go there, (The Fish Place Greenville) has really taken a turn for the worse in the plant department. Even when they have some good plants in they are often choked by algae and looking pretty miserable. They are also a little overpriced. DNA has actually been getting in some nice plants and they might be the only thing that is reasonably priced in the entire store.

Turbine I will have to go check out that Petco you were talking about. I have driven past it before lost and in a hurry so I didn't stop. I am usually unimpressed with the petcos but like you said it all depends on the manager.

Avalon if you are coming in through Ft. Worth there is a store that is absolutely my favorite fish store I have ever been in. It is actually called tropical fish, and it is located on Greenville, I think, across from the Dillards at the mall. The fish are ubelievably healthy, and the plants are usually in great shape.

I know of some smaller stores scattered about here and there and when I get the time I will pm you a list of my favorites around town.

Hey Avalon when you come in, us three should get together for a chat. Would be fun to talk fish and plants with some folks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Dss, that would be great! I'll probably be in after the 14th. I've got a bunch of friends from the metro coming in for Tech graduation. I may be in the next weekend. Is that fish store "tropical fish" across from the Galleria mall in downtown Dallas?? I was looking for one in Ft. Worth, but I couldn't find it. I can't remember the name, but I was flipping through the yellow pages & saw an ad...

Turbine, I think I know the discus breeder you are speaking of. I remember being in dt Dallas, close to Greenville & Beltline, but I couldn't find the house/shop. I remember there being a street (can't remember name) with a bunch of restaurants & bars lining it...looked cool. I wanted to go get myself a drink after being frustrated driving around and not finding a stinkin' thing!


Medium Fish
Sep 1, 2004
Visit site
Gotta butt in to your thread. Can you give me more info on the Tropical Fish store you were saying has good plants? I am going to be in Coppell for the next week and would like to check it out.