Prices on equipment for 300 gal planted tank


Medium Fish
Jul 7, 2005
Houston, TX
After weeks of dealing with fish store people around here, I finally found someone I was comfortable working with on this project. They are very reputable and professional.
I decided to do a planted tank with large schools of cardinals and angels and I got the proposal in today on all the equipment.
I am new to this so I wanted to see what you guys thought about the prices.
Here it is:

9 9 hrs bags Aqua Soil Amazonia $324.00
1 Power Sand Special - L 18 hrs $158.00
2 Eheim 2260 Canister Filters w/ media
and valves $1,100.00
1 Air pump for bubbles w/ black tubing
and air stone $100.00
2 Aqua Medic CO2 reactors $130.00
2 10lb. Aluminum CO2 cylinders
w/dual gage rugulator and solenoid $600.00

250 watt X 3 10K halide $500.00
2 X 120 watt V.H.O. 10K -
Lighting System -
3 Digital Timers -

Tropical Fish Stocking $375.00
Liquid Fertilizer $213.00

Subtotal $3500.00

no taxes

I do not know what hrs means regarding the Aqua Soil and Power Sand


Large Fish
Sep 3, 2005
You can find Eheim 2260 Canister Filters for approximately $250. Not sure what the values you are referring too, but they better be worth $600 or you are being taken advantage of. I also think you can get the air pump, tubing, and air stone for less than $100, but size might play a role in that number. Other than that, I don't know too much about what you are purchasing.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Great price for the lights, terrible for the eheims. A typical lfs - has to make money somewhere.
I would try to requote on the cannisters as that price is just shocking, but this is the guy who's going to set you up and look after you so it depends how valuable you think that is. If you don't buy from him, don't expect too much help down the road (and that's life, what you pay for).
So don't expect him to match online prices BUT the cannisters are just too much.

The power sand and other stuff is the Amano stuff - well you said he was big buddies with Amano (I think) so expect him to sell his stuff.....


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2005
San Francisco, CA
I dont think you would want an air pump, black tubing, and an airstone in your planted tank as the bubbles would cause surface agitation and deplete the co2 supply. thats what Ive heard anyways.

also, what kind of liquid fertilizer are you thinking about? because I cant imagine any kind of fertilizer costing that much. a 2-liter jug of seachem flourish and excel at would cost no more than $50 for both.

on the ferts, if the guy sold you the ADA soil then i'm quite sure he gave you some of the ADA fertilizer because i can't image them unloading 10 2L bottles of flourish which is probably what you can get with all that money. I would check out when you finish up the ferts becuase the ferts greg watson sells can last you quite a bit even for a 300g.