ok, i just got 9 stiches in my foot (bike accident) and i really cant walk to much. my fish tanks are all downstairs, and i cant get down their twice a day. is it ok if i just feed my fish once a day, and in the mourning just turn on their lights. the fish i have are as followed:
12 gallon- 6 neon tetras, 3 platies, 1 cory, 2 zebra danios
65 gallon-1 severum, 1 kissing gourami, 1 festive cichlid, 1 clown loach (soon to be removed, see my other topics), 1 rtbs, 6 giant danios
12 gallon- 6 neon tetras, 3 platies, 1 cory, 2 zebra danios
65 gallon-1 severum, 1 kissing gourami, 1 festive cichlid, 1 clown loach (soon to be removed, see my other topics), 1 rtbs, 6 giant danios