Problem Resolved

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
Well, I would just like to thank everyone for there support and help. My tank and the algae problem I was having a couple weeks ago is much better. From all the help you guys have givin me and scrolling through the forums. I have learned more about salt water in a couple of weeks than I had learned in the whole year I had my tank..

My light cycle is only on for about 6 hours A-day. I am only running foam pads in my Fluval 304. And cleaning them every time I do a water change, supposed having pre filter and carbon and only cleaning once a month. I just scrubber my live rock in a separate 5 gal. Bucket today with a small bush type thing, and it worked great. So algae is at a min. and the water is great. Have to say though something from the live rock stung the hell out of my hand. LOL. *crazysmil

Well thanks a lot everyone, and I will talk to all, in the forums *PEACE!*