Problem solved


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
*SUNSMILE*I now have a tank. I bought the 150g tank. It comes with a nice stand & canopy, T-5 lighting, return pump sump and skimmer. Its not the 200g I wanted but its darn nice tank. :cool:*BOUNCINGS*DRUMMER**celebrate*celebrate*celebrate


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
sounds great! now take things slowly from here and do the set up and cycle slowly....remember the advice "only bad things happen fast in saltwater"


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I haven't got it yet. The man I am buying it from is picking it up Friday, so there is a chance that everything could go south. The man I am getting it from lives 1 1/2 hours from me. He said I can pick it up, or for $100.00 he will deliver it to me. I was going to let him deliver it to me but, in his town there are several good LFS so I might have to go and check them out, lol. I am in no hurry to set up the tank, I will take my time and have it all set up right, before I put any fish in it, if its four months or longer, so be it. I was planning on a LRFOT but after looking at all the Reef Tank pics in here I have changed my mind. I also want to check out this MEGA Pwr nitrate & posphate remover thing that I saw posted here. Seems like everyone is jumping on this band wagon.