Problem with a change from a 30gallo to a 55 gallon.


Large Fish
Jun 2, 2003
St Louis
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I recently changed my African Tank from a 30 gallon to a 55 gallon. And now my water is really cloudy. What is causing this??? Thanks for any input.

Jeremy B.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Well, if you took my advice then it's probably the waste and leftover food in your subtrate. That'll settle in a couple of

Seriously, what kind of substrate are you using? How long has it been cloudy? I would say give it couple of days. If that doesn't work, then a water change might be in order....

But I'm sure someone has better advice.

Good luck.

I would only put a quarter inch of gravel. Any more and theres going to be problems. Such as cloudiness. What you have done is shock the bacteria on the gravel and it has gone hay wire. I would suggest small water changes here and there and a dose of AquaSafe with the wc's. Aquarium salt and just a half dose of QuickCure to make sure the fish don't get any diseases beacause there is ammonia and nitrates and stuff in the water. This stuff works the best IMO. You can also try some Bio Spira or some cured gravel to get things going a little faster.