problem with leather coral


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
It has been warming up here in AZ (~100 F for the past couple of days) and my genius siblings (brother, 15 and sister, 11 yrs) decided to turn on the fan without dusting off the blades. My house for some reason collects an amazing of the fan blades had muchas dust which was flung into my aquarium in amazing proportions. My sinularia dura immediately began shedding as the dust settled on it, and for two weeks it has not been itself. The leather coral's skin is very rough and hard, unlike an s. dura in full expansion. Different types of algae have begun to grow on the surface of the coral and I fear that I may be loosing it. Is there any treatment I can do to remove the algae? I haven't seen feeding tentacles from this coral in awhile so the end is near. Scrubbing is not effective or desired for fear of causing a secondary infection. Running out of time...suggestions?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
take it out, put it in a bucket of SW, and try the trusty baster to remove any particulates. beyond that, i would wait it out. leathers are ridiculously tough. if, however, you star to see dead patches i would cut off whatever healthy bits remain and try to save them