Problem with Pleco


New Fish
Dec 26, 2014
So, I got a pleco for the first time today and it seems i have done something wrong since it just died...
I do not think its the tank size (its 55 gallon)
or the fish that it lives with (neon tetras)
or starvation ( I gave it lettuce to eat, which it seemed to love)
pH and Nitrogen level seemed to be just fine...
Any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Welcome. Sorry for your loss. When you say nitrogen levels seemed fine, what does that mean? You should see nothing but nitrates in a healthy, established tank, and ideally you keep it below 20ppm with weekly water changes. pH can be important if it's far different in your tank then the breed you intend to keep needs, but fish generally can adjust to a slightly different pH provided your other water params are maintained.