Productive Day...

I hit up the local stores today jsut to see what was in and had a pretty productive day. Learned a lot about different foods at the one store and I have them looking into Cyclopeeze for me. Also prodded them on selling me some frags soon and they agreed because they see my face a lot, even though they are greedy and usually grow them a bit then sell them as very small, full priced specimens.

I ditched the Tang idea because I want to go with a few more, but smaller fish as originally planned, so I went to Petco next, which as I said before, I am happy with mine, and ended up running into their regional fish manager who was checking out the store. I had a long talk with him about fish and corals (he keeps a reef at home and a FO at work). He gave me a lot of information about their supplier, and told me I could order anything I wanted, including corals, and they would hold them in the bag for me every tuesday so I do the only acclimation. I'll probably try that out once to see if I like their distributer and shipping, then use them to save on shipping if it works out...

And lastly, I picked up an awesome juvenile (like 3/4 inch!), Yellow Watchman Goby. I was real excited to get a juvenile, haven't seen that before in any of the LFS' 'round here. I'll try to get a pic later if he stays visble once I put him in... *BOUNCINGS


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahh he sounds like a captive bred gobie which is a good thing. I would be leary about buying anything from an lfs direct from their supplier without having the option of returning it should it not make it as you won't be able to assess the health of your specimen. You won't be able to see if it is eating or exhibiting normal behaviours and not been the subject of cyanide collection.

I don't think I'll do that with the fish, only the corals. I'd rather get them quickly anyway before they sit under non-MH lights. For fish, my new thing is to wait until Tuesday morning because then everything I am seeing has been there for a week so I know it is adjusted from the shipping and eating properly. I try to show my face more now to, so that if they are inclined to play games with customers, maybe they won't with me since they see and know me. No more incidents like two weeks ago with the Cardinals...

And the Goby hasn't hid since I put him in, even when hermits go by, he just scoots out of the way. I'm very happy so far!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
when buying fish u never wanna take them home the day they come in... u wanna give them preferably a few weeks to make sure they eat and are healthy and everything... with corals i like to hand pick everything rather than get stuck with what ever they get, plus if its still in the bag u wont even be able to see the polyps extanded or anything...sounds like a nice guy but IMO doesnt sound like the greatest idea ;)
btw your lucky yur YWG is already out in the open, ive had mine for like a year and a half and for the first6-8 months i hardley saw him and at one point i thought he was dead cause i didnt see him for like a month! he now always hangs out in the open