I like sick-lid, but then again, I have a lisp, so all ch sounds come out as an s for me. Chick-lid, that sounds more like a bubble gum than a fish<G>. Webster's New Word Dictionary 3rd ed (1994) says sik'lid'.
I have always heard it pronounced like sicklet. The 'd' always sounds like a 't'. From people who work in LFS and also two cichlid enthusiasts that I've known.
subgang, that sounds like some kind of accent, with the "d" sounding like a "t"...It's probably just me and the way I look at these sort of things.. but in German, "ds" that are at the end of a word are pronounced like a "t".
I also pronounce it like sick-lid.....but my grandma who was into fish a very long time ago pronouced like chick-lid.....later on she told me that she never really looked at the spelling of the word and relized her mistake.