Hi all,
I have a 20gal tank with 5 neon tetras, 1 small discus, and 2 ottocinclus for algae control. The tank is fully planted. I have 2 fifteen watt bulbs on the tank. The tank is mostly planted with swords,java moss,some crytocrynes,and some hygrophilia. It has iron plus tablets and is dosed with Aquarium Pharm. Leaf zone, i have recently stopped though because it seemed to actually help the algae more than the plants. The water parameters are
ammonia: 0
Ph: around 6.6
dh: 4 degrees
Anyway, to get to my question, i have noticed at the top of the water there is a film of proteins( whenever i touch the water level it spreads out). I'm guessing that it's proteins??? Anyway, it doesn't seem to bother the fish or anything but, it is kinda annoying. So i am wondering if anyone knows a way to get rid of it???
I have a 20gal tank with 5 neon tetras, 1 small discus, and 2 ottocinclus for algae control. The tank is fully planted. I have 2 fifteen watt bulbs on the tank. The tank is mostly planted with swords,java moss,some crytocrynes,and some hygrophilia. It has iron plus tablets and is dosed with Aquarium Pharm. Leaf zone, i have recently stopped though because it seemed to actually help the algae more than the plants. The water parameters are
ammonia: 0
Ph: around 6.6
dh: 4 degrees
Anyway, to get to my question, i have noticed at the top of the water there is a film of proteins( whenever i touch the water level it spreads out). I'm guessing that it's proteins??? Anyway, it doesn't seem to bother the fish or anything but, it is kinda annoying. So i am wondering if anyone knows a way to get rid of it???