protien skimmer

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
Yeah, I agree that the Bioload isn't that small... Depending on the maturity of the fish, I suppose... I'm a big proponent for skimming, that's all. :)

You'd be amazed though. Even when I had only a pair of damsels in my Marine set-up, the skimmer pulled out some pretty nastly looking water on a regular basis. Buuuut, A skimmer certainly isn't a cheap piece of equipment (not a good one anyway), and if you're strapped for funds, It certainly isn't required.... Yet.

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ok, if you want crystal clear water,a nd ur not strapped for cash at me moment...or have nother else to get for ur tank, get one. If you arent having wtaer problems, and have other additions that you want to make first, do that. But if you liek ur tank the way it is right now, and you can afford it, go for it. the skimmer will only work to your advantage.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
its an old style airstone driven skimmer, it will work but not too efficiently and i wouldnt really say it would handle either of your tanks well since they are overstocked, but i guess its better than nothing


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Well, for one thing dont buy that expensive for a model like that. Second a Turbo Venturi is a much better choice, especially for your tanks.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
To answer your question, it would be recommended. If you do decide to get one get make sure it is not quoted to the exact tank size you have for your 55gl i would recommend one with a 100gl capacity.

Just a thought....instead of spending all this money (which if I recal was the reason you are so against a BIGGER tank) on a skimmer and other critters you are asking about,take it and put it toward a bigger tank? It may seem like more money now, but trust us, in the end you will spend alot more $$$ on trying to keep your water quality up and replacing all the dead fish (don't kid yourself the day will come if you do not do something about it soon) from over stocking. Even if you plan on taking the fish back once they get bigger(which I again do not think you should buy with this in mind) you will only get 1/2 the price you payed at most. That seems like a waste of money to!


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
skimmers removed disolved organics from your water = less waste in the water = better qater quality

and that skimmer you linked to really is crap; i second salty waters' suggestion, stop buying stuff and save up for that new are going to spend as much on a good skimmer as you would on a new tank anyway. If you do decide to get a skimmer instead of a new tank i would look at the Aquamedic Turboflotor Hang On Skimmer or the Berlin Prizm Pro Deluxe (assuming your current tank isnt drilled of course) because those are about the only hang on skimmers i know of which will be able to handle the bioload you are looking at in the larger tank you will have to buy down the road and also be suitable for the tank you have now

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
A skimmer mixes air bubbles into a cycloning tube of water, which pics up various wastes, and particulate matter. This turns into a foam, which rises up through an overflow cap, and into the collector cup, which is disposed of. Go with what Salty Waters said.... Generally, There isn't such a thing as 'over-skimming' a tank. I suggest reading up on these pieces of equipment first, so you don't end up sinking a lot of money into something that won't suit your purposes.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The beauty of a skimmer is that it picks up a lot of waste before it goes into the classic ammonia-nitrite-nitrate.nitrogen nitrogen cycle, and so makes it easier for the filtration to cope. IF you have small tanks and a light load you can do without by doing water changes, but for your bioload you should be skimming both tanks hard. You have big dirty fish in badly setup small tanks

In all honesty I agree with Sam - you are jst wasting your time right now buying anything but a much bigger tank (and I mean big, not a 55) and getting a decent skimmer, else you're going to spend all your time fiddling around to keep your water quality this side of toilet.