Pseudotropheus Saulosi - quick pic


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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Here is just a quick pic of my newest fish. I set up a 30 gal Ps. Saulosi species tank that is presently housing 25 juvinile Saulosi. As they grow and mature, and I can sort out males from females I am going to shoot for having 12-15 with a 1m to 3 or 4f ratio.

I'll try and get more pics later on...



Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
yeah, keep us informed on this one. THe fish are too beautiful to lose catastrophically. Also, since you are such as awesome photographer, could you take a shot of the whole tank for us?


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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Thanks for the replies everyone, glad you like the fish.

Froggy - as far as those nitrites go, the day I got the fish I did several large water changes, maybe a little more than I should have because when I was done the nitrites read 0ppm.

I acclimated the fish an got them in the tank that evening (wednesday). I didn't feed wednesday but fed lightly Thursday, Friday, and this morning. I have tested the water every day and ammonia has been 0ppm and so has nitrites. Because everything was still 0ppm, I decided to up their feeding tonight to the normal amount and I will continue to keep and eye on everything. I had been feeding once a day what they could eat in about 30 seconds. Tonight I gave them a second 30 second feeding.

I do have a question though. When I did enough water changes to get the nitrites down to 0ppm, did I mess up the cycle? I have been suprised none have shown up since I did this. Any tips on what to expect and if they do show up again, what ppm I should keep the tank at or under to allow the cycle to complete would be appreciated.

NoDelta - thanks for the compliment. I did take a few full tank shots, but they came out blurry. I'll get one soon though and post it.

seastaar - my trick for getting them to stay put: these fish love to follow my hand outside of the tank. I just pointed at a spot on the glass and a bunch swam over to my hand. Then I used the flash to get a pic of them since the flash keeps them from blurring when they are swimming. Unfortunately I don't think i'd be able to take as good of a pic on a full tank shot since the flash isn't all that strong.