psycho female betta!!!


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
*sighs* I've had such problems with my little girl...hehe. I've tried two different pairings with her in the past, the first time both didnt seem terribly interested in one another, so I let them both rest for a couple of weeks, then tried again only to have her try to beat the living hell out of him through the glas. Now I am trying again with a different male. Well things were going fine, he was showing off to her, she developed those dark bars on her body and followed him around on the other side of her little glass tube.

Today I let them interact for the first time. She's such a tease!! She followed him around the tank with her head down for a while, then the moment she got near his bubble nest she broke away and destroyed it, DESTROYED IT, then attacked the poor boy.

I guess good housekeeping is more important to some girls than others ^_~;;

I only have this one female, I really don't want to get another...she's so pretty. I've tried all of the best live and frozen foods, I keep their water immaculate, I've tried different lighting, I even waited once for an actual storm to come so the barometric pressure was low to trick her into thinking it was prime breeding conditions. Nothing.

Anyone have any special tricks for getting a difficult female to breed?

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I had a female that refused all males too... and another that coexisted with a male for about 5 days (but wouldn't mate), then chewed a big tear down his tail.

Maybe try dropping the temp a few degrees?

Sep 11, 2005
I'm at a point where I prefer the females to the males. Not only are they less delicate, but they often seem to have a lot more personality. I now have three of them and I'm sure I will get more.

Okay, so I can't tell you how to get her to breed...but I hope you find her as amusing as I do. :)


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
lol oh, I love the girl. she's a total spitfire!

I did read a bit today however, and learned that when mating if the female doesen't find the male's bubble nest to her liking she will destroy it. So I guess that's normal. I'm still hoping I can find a boy that she actually likes! I wanna be a mama!