Psychology 101 for N. Brichardi


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
For some time I have been having a problem with my pair of Brichardi fighting. It is very frustrating because they will get along for weeks at a time, cleaning and digging going thru all the motions of preparing to spawn, but the spawn never happens. When it is about time for the actual spawn, they start fighting. The female runs the male to the top of the tank and will not let up.

Another idea that I have that might be the souce of the problem is that there have been quite a number of MTS in the tank, and these are eating the eggs, and the female is taking out her anger at the male, perhaps thinking that he did something with the eggs.

*Probelm of MTS solved. Removed all the rocks and deco the other night and washed with hot tap water, then allowed to dry for 24hrs. Also got rid of my purpleish sand and replaced with playbox sand. This will dramaticly reduce the number of MTS in the tank. I am also toying with the idea of getting a chemical snail remover to finish the few who survived off. Not for sure just yet.

I have also noticed that when I do something major to the tank ie: rearange the rock work, this seems to calm the female down and she allows the male to be with her agian. My guess on this is the schooling instinct, which tells them that there is something greater than just them out there and it might be a potential preditor.

After rearanging this week the pair have been inseperatable. I may be on the right track with this.

The fry from the first spawn are almost ready to sell. Many are over an inch in lengh and several already showing color on the gill plates.

I may be totaly off with my ideas here. This has just been quite a frustrating experence for me, and I know that it dosent have to be. Im convinced that there is something that I can do to intervine.

I aquired a used 29gallon this week for free. Its in pristine condition. I just have no where to put it at the moment. I may end up puting them in there and see how the added space may help. For now, Im just going to leave them where they are at and hope for the best.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Orion,
I think you're right to sort out the MTS infestation as that is probably the reason you're losing spawns. I wonder if you occasionally see the brichardi coming out of the caves with a snail or two in their mouths and spitting them out as far away formthe cave as they can get them. The brichardi know snails will eat eggs. I'd also go along with the psychology of why your pair are fighting so much, the loss of spawns is leading to frustration.

I've never used a chemical snail remover, I have a tret in my main tank and don't bring many plants in. All I ever noticed was a few empty shells! ;-) Don't think your brichardi would appreciate a tret for company.

all the best


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Many many time Taffy I have watched them packing snail shells around. I never thought much more of it than just housekeeping duties. I hope that removing the snails will solve this.

As I said before, I rearanged the tank and added a few more fry into the main tank. So far so good, as both the male and female are sticking close togeather.

My fingers are crossed and eyes open.